Mike Houston, General Manager I’ve always slept next to the wall. My wife sleeps on the side with the nightstand. She’s a pretty deep sleeper, so she never noticed that every single night I get out of bed to drink water. I’ve always woken up …
Supporting Food Security
Leandra Nichola, Community Engagement Manager Hold on to your hat! Here’s some (not-so-shocking) news: It costs more to shop at the Co-op than a conventional grocery store. Natural food costs more to produce than conventional food. And, even with our added buying-power through the National …
Message Regarding Co-op and Junction Development
12/3/2019 To our members and customers: We are responding to statements in recent emails from Community Vision for Takoma regarding the NDC project on the adjoining City lot as they relate to TPSS Co-op. We want to be clear that the emails contain the independent views of the community group …
Winter Holiday Hours
We want to let you know about a few changes to our regular (8am – 10pm) hours coming up around the winter holidays:
Climate Action Coffee Series: Building Equity and Promoting Drawdown in our Regional Food System
Susanne Lowen, TPSS Co-op Board Member The Climate Action Coffee series convened a conversation at Busboys and Poets Takoma focused on moving toward greater food self-sufficiency while supporting carbon sequestration and equitable access to healthy food in our region. The November 4 conversation, hosted by …
Staff Profile: Jane
Taylor Dibbert Jane is the Manager of the Wellness Department. She’s from Silver Spring and currently resides there. She lived, however, in various locations throughout the U.S. before returning to the Silver Spring (and Takoma Park) area. She’s worked at the Co-op for eight-and-a-half years. …
Remarks from Our Community Engagement Manager at the Member-Owner Meeting
Leandra Nichola Hello everyone – I’m Leandra – the store’s Community Engagement Manager. I have the very best job at the Co-op because I get to do a little bit of everything. I am a liaison between customers, owners, local vendors, and the store, supporting …
Remarks from Our GM at the Member-Owner Meeting
Mike Houston My wife has taken to telling our four-month-old son whenever she’s proud of the small things every day. Holding his head up on his own? Your mom is proud. Rolling over? Your mom is proud. Grabbing his feet on his own? Your mom …
Save the Date: Community Celebration & Fall Member-Owner Meeting
October 19 from noon to 4 pm, we’ll be celebrating the store and our amazing owners and shoppers. Stop by and enjoy live music, free food, demonstrations from local vendors, kids’ activities, plus receive news from our Board and meet the Board candidates!
Staff Profile: Assane
Taylor Dibbert Assane is from Senegal. He was born in Dakar, the capital, and currently resides in downtown Silver Spring. He arrived in the U.S. in 2001. He initially lived in Connecticut and worked at the YMCA. After that, he decided to go back to …