Recipe: Garden Vegetable Greek Salad

This salad is very refreshing and versatile. It’s a great brunch side dish. It goes especially well with quiche and eggplant dishes. Stuff salad into warm whole wheat pita bread for a terrific sandwich. Ingredients Salad Veggies 1 cucumber, peeled and diced 1 green pepper, …

From Our GM: Cooperation Among Co-ops

TPSS Member-Owners, Most of you may never set foot in the small Syracuse Cooperative Market in upstate New York. You might not make it out to the new Lovettsville Co-op in western Virginia. You’re probably not in the produce buying club of the Community Grocery …

Recipe: Vegetarian Shepherd’s Pie

Delicious, quick and easy. A low-salt, low-fat meal that’s good alone or with a salad. Ingredients Crust 3 medium potatoes 1 clove garlic, minced 1 egg, beaten (can be replaced with a flax egg) pinch salt pepper to taste 1 tbs butter Filling Steamed vegetables …

Pro-Pollinator: Body Odor and Natural Repellents

This is the fourth of a series of articles by Climate Action Coffee that seek to engage readers to understand the importance of native plants and pollinator insects.  Using non-toxic means to protect ourselves from disease-carrying insects can help protect the beneficial insects we want …