From Our GM: Cooperation Among Co-ops

TPSS Member-Owners, Most of you may never set foot in the small Syracuse Cooperative Market in upstate New York. You might not make it out to the new Lovettsville Co-op in western Virginia. You’re probably not in the produce buying club of the Community Grocery …

Annual Report: GM Column

A few years back, a few members of the co-op staff were in a meeting with a large non-profit organization. We were discussing ways to partner together and what their model and philosophy were. This particular non-profit was in the food justice space and worked …

Progress is Never Fully Earned

04/22/2021 There’s a point in big budget movies where the good guy and the bad guy shoot their equal and opposite powers towards each other, like fire and ice or two different colored laser beams. The grunt and strain trying to push their power towards …

Board Retreat and Junction Update

1/27/2022 Happy 2022, fellow Co-op members and friends, On January 22, your Co-op Board of Representatives had a very productive annual retreat over zoom. Now in my fifth year on the Co-op Board, this was my fifth Board retreat – and as always, I loved …

Planning Ahead Because of Supply Chain Issues

11/5/21 by Mike Houston 2021 has brought a host of challenges for small businesses like TPSS, but let’s focus on the current and upcoming supply chain issues.   According to the October US Census Small Business Survey Pulse Survey, 45% of surveyed businesses said they are …

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Fall Meeting Message from Our GM

Co-op Member-Owners, Thank you all for joining us this evening. Tonight is my 7th Semi-annual Member Meeting GM update despite the fact that I think I’ve now worked at the Co-op for 20 years. I’m fairly certain I didn’t have these gray hairs when I …

Reflections from Our GM

04/22/2021 I used to call the police a lot.  Working at other stores prior to the Co-op, and following policies about theft or confrontations in the store, the quickest resolution was to call the non-emergency number and ask for an officer to trespass the offending …

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An End of the Year Message from Our GM

“I had no reason to be over-optimistic. But somehow, when you smile, I can brave bad weather.” This being Takoma Park, I’m not sure I need to cite the source, but that’s from The Who’s Tommy. I had it on cassette and wore it out driving …