Announcing Furlough Assistance for Members (F.A.M.)

We know this is a hard time for many of our members. We want to help. Beginning Monday, January 21, furloughed members are eligible for a $300 line of credit. The credit may be used for any in-store purchase and only needs to be re-payed …

MLK Day graphic

MLK Day Food Drive & Round Up

This year, in celebration of MLK Day, we are partnering with the Takoma Park MLK Day Committee to help stock the pantry at Adventist Community Services of Greater Washington (ACSGW). This weekend, round up your purchase or make a donation at the register!

Board Election Results Are In!

We are delighted to welcome Katea Stitt, Julia Eddy and Sawa Kamara to three-year terms on the TPSS Board of Representatives! The 2018 Board Elections marked a significant increase in member participation for six highly qualified candidates, with 288 votes counted. Election Results Katea Stitt …

Welcome to the New TPSS Co-op Website!

Check out the new look of our website – easier to navigate and find those Co-op deals and community news! Please take some time to explore – and let us know if you have any questions or hit any bumps when you use it. Contact …

City Council votes to approve Takoma Junction development

City Council votes to approve Takoma Junction development; Co-op continues in mediation with developer On July 25, a majority of the Takoma Park City Council approved the NDC Site Plan for development of the City-owned lot adjoining the TPSS Co-op. The Council’s vote now allows …

Meet our new General Manager, Mike Houston

The Board of Representatives is pleased to announce that after a thorough search process, we have hired Mike Houston as our General Manager. Prior to joining the Co-op, Mike was Store Manager at Dawson’s Market in Rockville for six years. Not only does Mike have …