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Member Insights

Sawa Kamara, TPSS Co-op Board Member I recently spent two evenings at the Co-op, talking with and getting to know shoppers and member-owners. The best part of that time for me (other than the yummy snacks!) was learning about the special role the Co-op plays …

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Staff Profile: Alem

Taylor Dibbert Alem is from Eritrea. He was born in Asmara, the capital. “I would love to work in Eritrea, but the situation there now is not nice,” he says. “But I would love to work there one day.” He misses home, though going back …

Beer Aisle photo

So. Many. Cans.

Leandra Nichola, (soon-to-be-former) Beer & Wine Manager Today, the beer department looks a lot different than it did a year ago. And, there are a few reasons for that: the addition of a beer and wine manager to the store, increased access to local breweries …

TPSS Coop Mural

We’re “For Service” Not “For Profit”

Bob Gibson During last year’s heated debates about the future of the city owned lot at Takoma Junction, I was particularly struck by the repeated description of the TPSS Food Co-op as a “for-profit” business. This characterization was used in dismissing the notion that the …

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My Days at the Co-op

Mike Houston My wife and I love celebrating how many days old things are. We celebrated our 1000th day of dating, our 1000th day of marriage, and we each invited friends to parties for each of our 10,000th day of life.  If you’re wondering, it’s …