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A Message of Thanks from Our GM

Some time in the last decade it was decided that absolutely every company everywhere needed to send every person a Thanksgiving themed email.  Gratitude, appreciation, thanks.   You’ve all read them and  can probably recite the platitudes and tropes by heart.  I don’t mean to …

In Solidarity

Mike Houston, General Manager: I want to acknowledge the recent murders of Black Americans at the hands of law enforcement officers across this country, as well as the countless acts of violence that have come before. I acknowledge the tremendous place of privilege from which …

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Mike Houston, General Manager My wife says I’m too confident. Actually, that’s not what she says, she says “you think very highly of yourself”, which is even more on the nose. She’s not wrong. I lack for plenty but self-esteem is not on the list. …

An Update from Your Virtual Co-op

Mike Houston, General Manager I’ll level with you all. I’m tired. But as the saying goes, Rome didn’t convert its 39-year business model to online only to prioritize the safety of staff and community in a day. Not too tired for a joke or two …

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Now I Get It

Mike Houston On June 22 my amazing wife gave birth to a healthy and beautiful son, our first. The past six weeks have been an incredible mix of sleep deprivation, adorable firsts, learning on the fly and unconditional love.  In meeting with friends and family, …

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From Our GM

Mike Houston We had our semiannual member meeting on May 19th at the Takoma Park Volunteer Fire Department. Attendees heard presentations from Co-op staff, board members, membership committee members and got the opportunity to ask questions during open member forum. Topics included our new staff …

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My Days at the Co-op

Mike Houston My wife and I love celebrating how many days old things are. We celebrated our 1000th day of dating, our 1000th day of marriage, and we each invited friends to parties for each of our 10,000th day of life.  If you’re wondering, it’s …