Co+op Deals

We’ve come together with other National Co+op Grocers members to offer you sales on hundreds of items each month. Look for the green and white Co+op Deals tags on the shelf. And, save even more with Co+op Deals coupons you can find at the registers and on the shelves. Check out this month's Co+op Deals flyer. 


Co+op Basics

Looking for value priced natural and organic foods? Look for the purple Co+op Basics signs around the store. Working with the National Co+op Grocers, we've negotiated excellent costs on basics items and are passing along those savings to all our shoppers. These items meet our ethical standards, but offer a more accessible price point.

Owner Deals

Twice per month, look for new owner-exclusive deals around the store! Ownership has its perks, and these deals are one of them. Another way owners can save is through full case special orders placed through our buying club. Owners always save 10% on those! Place your order now.

Senior Savings

Seniors always save with a 5% off discount on every purchase! Just mention you're eligible (that is, you're 65+) for the senior discount when you check out. If you're an owner, we'll add it to you account.

Double Up @ the Co-op

Use your EBT card and receive 50% off all produce items! That's buy-one-get-one on all fresh fruits and veggies. This program is partially funded through our Feed A Neighbor Fund.