From Our Board: Celebrating International Co-operative Day (July 6th)

Dear TPSS Co-op Member-Owners,

Since 1923, the first Saturday of every July has been designated International Cooperative Day to celebrate cooperatives’ contribution to society. Notably, the theme of this year’s celebration is “Cooperatives Building a Better Future for All.” In the spirit of this day, and with the TPSS Co-op renovation project now in full swing, your Board would like to share a message about one of the cooperative principles we hold most dear: Concern for Community.

During the Open Forum of our June Board meeting, a member raised important issues regarding the impact of our remodel project. She talked about members with special dietary needs who rely on the Co-op for products they are unable to find at regular supermarkets, and about those members whose limited access to transportation makes the Co-op their sole source of groceries. The Board was grateful for her willingness to voice these issues and highlight the Concern for Community that we all share.

Over the course of the past few months, you have heard from us about the necessity of this renovation project for the future stability and growth of the Co-op. It is the largest project we’ve undertaken since moving to this location in 1998. And while it is easy to say that “change is good,” we must recognize the hardship, albeit temporary, this project may bring to some of our community members. Throughout the preparation for this project, Concern for Community has been a top priority for the Board and for our General Manager, Mike Houston. The tent you now see on the Sycamore parking lot is the result of Mike’s many hours of detailed planning to ensure that shopping can continue without interruption.

And so on this International Cooperative Day, the Board invites you, our dedicated members, to celebrate cooperatives and show your Concern for Community in two important ways. First, please join us in thanking the Co-op staff for their tireless work during the transition to tent sales and in the coming months as we put our store back together again. We assure you we are looking out for their well-being during this time, and we ask you to share a word of thanks with them as you shop the tent. Their efforts exemplify the true spirit of our Co-op and the strength of our community.

Second, as proud member-owners, you can show your community support by becoming a vocal Co-op ambassador. Spread the word about our tent sales and those special Co-op products you will still be able to buy. And consider how you can assist family members, friends, and neighbors who might need a little help navigating the tent and our new way of shopping at the Co-op this summer.

We wish all of you a happy International Cooperative Day and we look forward to seeing you in the tent!

With gratitude and anticipation,

Your TPSS Co-op Board