(02/02/25): Community Bake Sale @ Rhizome DC


TPSS Co-op is hosting a Community Bake Sale at Rhizome DC, on Sunday February 2nd from 4 – 6 PM, to raise funds for two organizations who continually give and feed our community, Food not Bombs DC and SSTP Mutual Aid. A ticket to this event purchases you entry and access to all the treats brought to the space. We ask that if you purchase a ticket, please bring at least one home-baked treat! You can also just come and snack, too, but consider bringing something along. All treats should come with a label describing what they are, but we can help you with that once you get to the space. The Co-op will also provide fresh fruit and refreshments. Let’s raise some money for our community. We were inspired to do this by Bold Fork Books work with the DC Abortion Fund, consider donating to DCAF!