2024 Board Candidate: Mary Arimond

Why are you interested in serving on the Board?

I've been a member of the co-op since we moved to TP in 2000, and was a working member of co-ops in other communities where I lived previously. I have recently retired and it's time for me to pitch in as and where I can, with organizations I believe in. I really admired how the Co-op supported staff and community during the pandemic, and I'd be honored to support the co-op leadership and staff.

Tell us about yourself, including any volunteer or professional experiences that might be relevant to board service.

My background is in environmental studies (BA) and nutrition (MS), so I first started thinking about healthy sustainable food systems in the 70's.

Volunteer commitments: As a grad student I co-founded an anti-hunger organization and we completed the first Bread for the World Hunger Watch report for our county, among other activities. Over the years I have volunteered with food banks and food distribution programs. I currently volunteer with CASA, the League of Women Voters, and Small Things Matter. In each of these organizations I am happy to be a small worker bee.

On the professional side, early in my career I was county director for a WIC program for three years. Most of my career was spent in applied research, with several universities and with the International Food Policy Research Institute here in DC. My research areas included maternal, infant, and young child nutrition programs and interventions, and global and national monitoring systems for healthy diets.

I have strong data skills, project management skills, and survey research skills. I have organized and facilitated meetings. I've managed budgets, but those skills are rusty. I've written proposals and academic publications and reports. I have lived and worked in several countries in Africa and Asia, and have been lucky to be part of diverse, global research teams and expert committees. Hopefully some of these skills and experiences would be relevant.

Why is the TPSS Co-op important to you?

I want there to be a food co-op in our community - I want it to thrive so I and others can shop there. I value the community events that the co-op sponsors and participates in. In recent years I feel there have been many improvements at the co-op, and I would like to help support continued improvements.

What is your favorite co-operative principle and why?

If I have to pick from your list, I think it would be concern for the community - the role of the co-op in contributing to our community life and in making sure everyone feels welcome at the co-op. In my early experiences as a co-op member elsewhere, I really valued the spirit of self-help and collaboration, which I think is felt more in co-ops with the option to be working members, working alongside staff. While TPSS doesn't have this option, I value all the efforts to engage members.

Why are diversity and equity important to you, and how do these principles show up in your life?

This is not an easy one to articulate. I believe all forms of diversity enrich our lives because we have so much to learn from each other. I have been very lucky to experience this learning in my years overseas and in working with people from many different countries and cultures and with different levels of education. I do my best always to listen carefully and with an open heart, and to be conscious of my own biases - and have a little talk with myself about them!

Equity is a core value for me - that everybody should have access to opportunities and to support to help level the playing field - because otherwise it is not at all level. In my work life this has meant a commitment to training and mentoring, and to giving these activities priority and time.

Check the following areas which you have experience
Group process and/or group decision-making
Meeting facilitation
Public speaking
Writing newsletter articles
Strategic planning
Accounting and/or finance
Project management
Online file sharing and calendars (Google) or website editing or management
Volunteer programs
Past and/or present participation on a board of directors
Retail and/or Other Business experience
Legal training and/or experience
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion