2024 Board Candidate: Bob Gibson

Why are you interested in serving on the Board?

I have had the honor of serving the TPSS membership as a Board representative since my appointment in December 2019, followed by election to a three-year term in 2021. I feel that with my passion for the cooperative business model and the knowledge I have developed about TPSS and food co-ops over the past five years, I have more to contribute to the continued success and growth of our cooperative store.

Tell us about yourself, including any volunteer or professional experiences that might be relevant to board service.

In my time on the TPSS Board, I have served as Vice President, President and now Treasurer. In order to develop my effectiveness as a Board member, I have participated in professional trainings on finance and board leadership, and have visited food co-ops from Virginia to Maine to learn from their challenges and successes. During my diverse career, which included newspaper and magazine writing and photography, service in the Peace Corps, work bringing electricity to remote communities in developing countries, and in renewable and emerging energy technology research and education, I worked with electric and energy cooperatives for more than 30 years. This gave me a deep belief in the power and beauty of the cooperative business model, where life enhancing service to members and community is the primary goal.

Why is the TPSS Co-op important to you?

In an age of corporate consolidations and cut throat business practices that focus on enriching the few at the expense of the many, a cooperative business like TPSS is something to treasure. I believe that our mission is more relevant than ever, and that our society will be healthier and happier with more co-ops like TPSS.

What is your favorite co-operative principle and why?

I particularly like cooperation among cooperatives. New cooperatives grow and thrive through support from established co-ops. Co-ops bring competitively priced, quality products to their communities through group purchasing, such as TPSS does through the National Cooperative Grocers co-op.

Why are diversity and equity important to you, and how do these principles show up in your life?

Many people of my generation - myself included - grew up with a shocking ignorance of the extent of the inequities and injustices that diminished the lives and denied opportunities for too many Americans. The least I can do now is to educate myself on these issues and make better choices in how I live my life, including where I do business, where I volunteer, how I vote and how I listen and learn from others.

Check the following areas which you have experience
Group process and/or group decision-making
Meeting facilitation
Public speaking
Writing newsletter articles
Strategic planning
Accounting and/or finance
Project management
Online file sharing and calendars (Google) or website editing or management
Volunteer programs
Past and/or present participation on a board of directors
Retail and/or Other Business experience
Legal training and/or experience
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion